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Explore our comprehensive Theatre Classes, divided into Performance, Technical, and Film. Whether you're interested in performing on stage or working behind the scenes, we have a course to suit your interests and skill level.


Theatre ARTS I

Grade(s): 9-12
Prerequisite: None

Students survey the technical and performing art of theater. They are exposed to the major elements of theater and gain knowledge of its principles through study and practice in both performance and production. Representative units of study include improvisation, mime, basic acting, the history of the theater, stage settings, costuming, make-up, and lighting.

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Theatre ARTS II

Grade(s): 10-12
Prerequisite: Theatre Arts I, or by Audition/Interview

More than a continuation of Theatre Arts I, Theatre Arts II is an in-depth study of areas covered only briefly in the first year and an introduction to new areas. The course includes required units that stress direction, design, and acting. Additional units are tailored to accommodate students’ abilities and experiences.

Theatre ARTS III

Grade(s): 11-12
Prerequisite: Theatre Arts II, or by Audition/Interview

Designed for students with a strong interest in theater arts, this course provides opportunities to put theory into practice through major projects in directing, acting, and design. Students increase their understanding of the entire realm of theater.


Theatre ARTS IV

Grade(s): 12
Prerequisite: Theatre Arts III, or by Audition/Interview

This course is for students with a deep interest in theater arts at professional or collegiate levels. Theatre Arts IV students complete independent projects specifically suited to their individual strengths, while also performing in group projects in a leadership capacity.


Grade(s): 10-12
Prerequisite: Theatre Arts I, Teacher Recommendation, or by Audition/Interview

Designed for students with a strong interest singing, dancing, and acting. Students increase their understanding of the entire realm of musical theater and will perform in one full musical usually held in the February or March then conclude the school year with a showcase in May.  

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Adaptive theatre

Grade(s): 9-12
Prerequisite: None

Designed to make performing arts accessible to all students, this program supports diverse learning and physical needs. Adaptations may include curriculum modifications, additional teaching support, and the use of adaptive technologies, ensuring every student can participate and thrive in theatre arts.


Technical Theatre I

Grade(s): 9-12
Prerequisite: None

This course introduces students to the essential roles of stage technicians in creating the overall aesthetic of a theatrical production. Students will learn about design principles, scene shop organization, construction techniques, sound and lighting, special effects, and theater safety through both academic study and hands-on practice.

Image by ThisisEngineering


Grade(s): 10-12
Prerequisite: Technical Theatre I

Expanding on Technical Theatre I, this course focuses on advanced stage technician skills, emphasizing leadership in scene shop supervision, sound and lighting design, and technical stage roles. Students will also work on a Design/Technical Portfolio, refining their expertise and preparing for college admissions.


Film Studies

Grade(s): 10-12
Prerequisite: None

This course explores the intersections of video and performance art, focusing on video technology's ability to synchronize real-time images and sounds. Students will analyze the history of film and television, then apply film production skills in creating a short multimedia project.  Here is an article of our Dec. 15-17 performance of It's A Wonderful Life, Radio  Play!

Image by Avel Chuklanov


Discover the world of theatre, whether on stage or behind the scenes. Our classes offer the skills and experience you need to excel in the dynamic world of theatre arts.

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